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See how First Steps uses Evident to automate their caregiver verification process.

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First Steps

“Evident enabled us to automate our verification processes, allowing us to to be more efficient. With Evident’s alerts that let us know when any personal data changes occur, we know we are providing the highest level of trust and safety to our community.”

- Quinn Fordham, Founder & CEO, First Steps Network, LLC


First Steps conducted a background check every 2 years and a recheck every other year. Manual reviews of background checks made it cumbersome and risky. First Steps would even personally meet the babysitters to vet them and verify their credentials. They wanted to enable the highest level of trust and safety to the community, which proved to be very difficult without an automated system put in place.


Evident automated the process by implementing a policy to ensure that the data remained evergreen. First Steps is now able to have immediate alerts in case of a policy violation, and receives more verified data in order to establish trust with families.

See how Evident is the only identity and credential verification platform that prioritizes privacy.


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Comprehensive, accurate verifications without the risk